Valinor [VALE] - Do GQ, Have fun, Kick Ass!!!

Valinor guilde – Northisle – The Settler Online

LS – the Lootspot

A Lootspot is an invite to an adventure where you send one or more troops to make a single kill, in return for a full share of the loot.

They are often offered in chat for free – If you see this, the correct response is « Me Please! » or similar as soon as you can, because they are given on a first come first served basis.
It is « Me Please » rather than « Sure » or « I can » in recognition that the person whose adventure it is just spent a deal of time and hundreds (if not thousands) of troops (and all the weapons)! They are doing a favour by giving a spot which they could swap or sell in trade for gold. So remember to thank them too!

Not everyone can afford to give away all their spots – they may need loot to fund the next adventure – so you may see swaps offered. you can only go for these if you have a LS of sufficient level to offer in return. Others may ask for the first slot loot – if they do, they will explain what they want from you.

When you take a LS, you should send your general immediately with whatever troops you were told to bring – and attack the camp you are told to as soon as you are able. If you are unsure what troops to send and you have not been told, then you should ask. You should not move your general before attacking unless you were told to. Before or After your attack, if there is a blue banner in the top left corner saying « Quest Complete », you should NOT click it unless you are told to (You can pull the chat window up to hide the banner – that’s what many do!). Once you have made you kill, you can leave the island (Your general will have to wait though!).

The reason for this tight control over what you do on a LS, is that people giving (for example) a Black Knights (BK) LS may clear the adventure in a number of different ways. Their finish may be different – they may block or kill the camps. They may leave different camps than on the last one you took OR clear all neccesary camps and remove their generals from the island (perhaps sending them to the next adventure!). The third player may or may not have made kill.
Lots of variables – But the person giving the spot is responsible for taking these into account and making sure that their instruction makes your LS – simply: an invite to an adventure where you send one or more troops to make a single kill, in return for a full share of the loot.

Sorry it the tone of this mail seems heavy – LS are a great way to get rich a bit quicker 🙂 – This mail is the small print about getting them and carrying them out successfully.
You need to bear in mind what I’ve said – but It’s a lot simpler when you’ve done a few – And as this is Valinor, you are likely to do lots!

Happy Lootspotting!