Valinor [VALE] - Do GQ, Have fun, Kick Ass!!!

Valinor guilde – Northisle – The Settler Online

Buff Timings and Steaks

Having your island buffs in sync is very important – useful timing page

Steaks are the best x2 buff for buildings.  Knowing if you can make enough can be difficult to workout.  However, if you use this formula you can work it out –

Non prem buffs

number of buildings to buff*500/6=spare meat prod per 12hrs

Prem buffs

number of buildings to buff*500/6.60=spare meat prod per 12hrs

You may not be able to make steaks but you can ask a guild member in chat to trade you steaks for meat or to make steaks.  Personally I have extra steaks so I use steak to buff mines.  There is some waste but who cares  and I can then use the extra bread to make settlers.