Valinor [VALE] - Do GQ, Have fun, Kick Ass!!!

Valinor guilde – Northisle – The Settler Online


you have some trouble with stuff like : wts vlt ls for gc rtf fish in to ? well don’t look further here is a list of common abbreviations

afk = away from keyboard
ap = Achievement Points
asap = as soon as possible
atm = at the moment
bb = goodbye
bbs = be back soon
bh = Bounty Hunter [Additional Adventure]
bhg = Battle Hardened General
biab = Back in a Bit
bk = black knights [Epic Adventure]
bl= building license
blt = betrayed little tailor [Fairytale Adventure]
bn = Bandit Nest [Resource Adventure]
br = Buccaneer Roundup [Co Op Adventure]
brb = be right back
bs = bronze swords
clt = clever little tailor [Fairytale Adventure]
co = copper ore
cu = see you
db = dark brotherhood [Epic Adventure]
dp = dark priest [Experience Adventure]
dt=double trade
eotw = End of the World [Additional Adventure]
eta = Estimated Time of Arrival
fa = Final Attack
ft = fairytale
gc = gold coins
ggc = guild coins
glwl = Good Luck With Loot
go = gold ore
gp = Gunpowder [Experience Adventure]
gq=guild quest
gtg = got to go
hb = horseback [Experience Adventure]
hlt = heroic little tailor [Fairytale Adventure]
hw = hardwood
hwp = hardwood planks
idc = I don’t care!
Idd = indeed (iddinderdaad)
idk = I don’t know
iotn = Invasion of the Nords [Experience Adventure]
iotp = island of the pirates [Resource Adventure]
is = iron swords
iirc = if i recall correctly
lb = longbows
ls = lootspot
lt = Lakeside Treasure [Co Op Adventure]
m8 = mate
mf = map fragment
ml = motherly love [Addional Adventure]
Nords = Nords [Experience Adventure]
np = no problem
ol = Outlaws [Resource Adventure]
of = Old Friends [Addional Adventure]
ofc = of course
pebcak = problem exists between chair and keyboard
plz = please
ppl = people
pvp = player vs player
pw = pinewood
pwp = pinewood planks
rb = Roaring Bull [Epic Adventure]
rtf = ready to finish
rtfm = read the fucking manual
rtm = read the manual
rtr = Raiding the Raiders [Co Op Adventure]
sa = Surprise Attack [Experience Adventure]
se = secluded experiments [Epic Adventure]
Siege = Siege [Co Op Adventure]
sftr = stealing from the rich [Experience Adventure]
slt = sons of the little tailor [Fairytale Adventure]
solt = sons of the little tailor [Fairytale Adventure] 
sotv = sons of the veld [Experience Adventure]
ss = steel swords
sv = Sleeping Volcano [Addional Adventure]
tnx = thanks
to = trade office
tr = Tomb Raiders [Co Op Adventure]
traitors = traitors [Experience Adventure]
ts = Tropical Sun [Addional Adventure]
ty = thank you
vtv = victor the vicious [Resource Adventure]
vlt = valiant little tailor [Fairytale Adventure]
wb = welcome back
wd = well done
wm = Wild Mary [Resource Adventure]
wm = Whisper me
wots = witch of the swamp [Experience Adventure]
wtb = want to buy
wts = want to sell
wtt = want to trade
ww= Whirlwind [Co Op Adventure]