I am not joking, if you don’t use refiller the use of the gold mine is a waste of resources. Of curse you are free to play the game the way you like but if you insist of wasting your resources by building gold mines please do it with your own and don’t ask the guild for hardwood, marble and tools.

A standard gold deposit has 300 gold ore which turn into 150 gold bars and then into 37.5 gold-coins. A level 1 gold mine cost 1.4k hwp, 1.4k marble and 1.5k tools which is worth something like 250-300 gc!!!! So yes if you use a gold mine you LOSE OVER 200GC PER GOLD MINE. Indeed this is only valid for unbuffed production but I see several guild member who run gold production like this….

There are other way to make gold coins like making tools, iron ore, iron bars, marble, meat etc. and sell them on to. And as always if you need help like selling your production ask in guild. I am sure you will find someone willing to sell it for you.

if you insist on running gold production please:
1) DESTROY MANUALLY THE GOLD MINE BEFORE IT RUNS OUT !!!! If you do so you get back half of the building cost of the mine which is ~150gc !!!!
2) ONLY RUN YOUR PRODUCTION BUFFED !!!! if you can’t buff your production put it to sleep by clicking on the buildings and click on the stop button.
if you follow those 2 rule the 300 gold deposit turns into 600 gold ore then 600 gold bars and then 300 gold coins. If you deduce from those 300 gc the 150 gc for the mine and the 60-100 gc for the buffs you make a couple of gc (I have omitted the coal!). But then again most people say that it is not worth the hassle since you can make a lot more ( 10-100x more) with tools, iron ore etc.

Once you have access to the bigger gold deposits of the archipelago and have the « Natural Gold Vein » and « Natural Born Digger » perk in your geo the situation is different since your gold deposit will contain 660 gold deposit which allows you to make ~300 gc profit per gold mine (level 1 mine, buffing and manually destroying the mine)